Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My top 10 video game music

Hey all,

Having finished my first piece on video game music I thought I'd make a brief list, chronicling my top 10 video game songs and pieces. I will keep 1 song per game, so it may be hard to narrow down my favorite, but I'll do my best. So without further adieu...

Icarus - Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a neat game with some interesting ideas about what the future will be like. With that setting it needs to have some especially kick ass future music, Which this exemplifies.
With a steady build and some tight vocal harmonies this song eventually explodes into pure, horrific, bleek-future filled bliss. 10/10 Would augment ears to hear better.

9. Discovering Banjoland - Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, int' it? Say what you will about the quality of the game (it's fantastic, go to hell) Grant Kirkhope is in top form on the soundtrack. This song forms a medley of the original themes from the well loved N64 classic Banjo Kazooie. On top of the fact that the songs are still ass kicking to this day; they are lovingly recreated with a full orchestra. Adding to the fuck-ton of awesome that already exists.

8. Helghan Forever - Killzone 2

You want some bombast? Fuck yeah you do, you are sick of playful melodies and bassoon filled basslines. Here have this... It's in your face, triumphant, and beautiful. Hint: listen to this while taking a shower in the dark... it's one of the most purely transcendental experiences you'll have this year; for many reasons.

7. Stickerbrush Symphony - Donkey Kong Country 2

Ok, now that we have officialy raised our collective blood pressures up a couple points, lets chill a little. This piece is chill defined, this piece has game 4 dayz, this piece will get you places. But on a more real note, this is one of those compositions that uses the limited sound board on a SNES more efficiently than many others and is timeless because of it. #cruisin'music

6. Standing Stones - Dear Esther

Lets continue our fantastic voyage down chill street with slight right onto Depression Avenue. This piece exemplifies the feeling of helplessness and loss that follow you throughout Dear Esther. Eventual building into a Fugue-like, almost disastrous mess of stings, all the while maintaining it's Spooky beauty. TOO DOPE.

5. In Cirlces - Transistor

I had a really hard time deciding which song from transistor was going to make this list, as I didn't want any repeat offenders. I ultimatly chose In Circles for a couple reasons. First off This song switches between 5/4 in the verse to a more smoothed out 6/4 in the verses. I love every bit of this song, the timbre, the ethereal vocals, the floating piano. And it eventual gets pretty dirty in a bass tinged instrumental; that just makes me say "fuck"

4. Sonic Heroes Theme - Sonic Heroes

Because I am not afraid to say "Fuck it, I like what I like"... Also that vocal harmony on the chorus.

3. Password Theme - Mega Man X

I CAN NEVER BE HAPPIER!  But seriously I can think of a song that puts me in a better mood than this.

2. You're Not Alone - Final Fantasy IX

Not very often does the game have the guts to take the main character and change him on a very fundamental level. After Zidane learns the truth behind his birth, he is reduced to a shell of his former self. The once shamelessly optimistic, overly confident thief is reduced to a lifeless, nihilistic husk and all but gives up on his journey. This song plays as his friends and party members rally around him and speak words of encouragement. Reminding him that he is he who thinks he is, not what other tell him he is. Go Get em' tiger.

1. The Oath - Final Fantasy VIII

Here it is folks, my ultimate piece of gaming music. This piece went as far as birthing my piano playing. The scene it creates as Squall steps up to the mic to deliver a speech to his fallen and falling comrades is sublime. Bravo Uematsu

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